Moonbase Query Language

Moonbase ships with a custom query language that allows users to query the API using a language that closely resembles native SQL.

The current iteration of MQL is v0.


On log ingestion, Moonbase indexes each individual field, along with the data types. This allows Moonbase to ingest any JSON-formatted input

For example, imagine you send Moonbase a payload that looks like:

  "date": 1714005647.6969,
  "source": "stdout",
  "container_id": "b87fc7725f734fd6b5a56e1cdf990174-3165338177",
  "container_name": "API-container-definition",
  "ecs_cluster": "Internal-production",
  "meta": {
    "time": "2024-04-28T17:35:37.9848259Z",
    "level": "INFO",
    "msg": "GET /v1/environments/1C9y47b5rLS32mcVsG9V5W/components",
    "service": "http",
    "http": {
      "status": 200,
      "duration": 4778294,
      "size": 29,
      "ip": ""
  "ecs_task_arn": "arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:398234872511:task/Internal-production/b87fc7725f734fd6b5a56e1cdf990174",
  "ecs_task_definition": "API-production:56"

Moonbase will index the above fields so that you can search meta.http.status = 200 almost instantly.

Lang v0


Exact match on a particular field:

meta.http.status = 200


Find any log that isn't of status 200:

meta.http.status != 200


Wildcard match an IP:

meta.http.ip like '68.8.%':


Case insensitive.

meta.level ilike '%inf%':

Greater Than

Useful for finding logs with minimum status levels.

meta.http.status > 200

Greater Than or Equal To

Find all logs that are 400 or above.

meta.http.status >= 400

Less than

Find any log with a healthy status

meta.http.status < 400

Less Than or Equal To

Find some sizes:

meta.http.size <= 50

More Examples

You can search on your own timestamps:

date < 1714509064.278388

You can query attributes just like the standard columns as long as you respect the bracket notation.

Complex Queries


You'll likely want to narrow down with mulitple clauses

log.http.status = 200 and log.msg = 'POST /sync'

Maybe you want to look for two specific error codes

log.http.status = 413 or log.http.status = 429

Grouping Queries

(log.http.status = 413 and log.http.status = 429) or (log.http.status = 200 and log.msg = 'POST /sync')