Fluent Bit (opens in a new tab) is a Fast and Lightweight Telemetry Agent for Logs, Metrics, and Traces for Linux, macOS, Windows, and BSD family operating systems.
Its quite simple to send logs to Moonbase using Fluent Bit.
Fluent Bit config for Moonbase
Log_Level info
Name forward
Port 24224
Name http
Match *
Host api.moonbasehq.com
Port 443
URI /v1/projects/clvd9713n0001wo0s0142f6wa/logs?parse=log&levelKey=log.level
Format json
Retry_limit 2
tls On
tls.verify On
Header x-moonbase-token "moonbase_..."
Moonbase allows you to pass a list of query parameters to the ingestion endpoint so that you can leverage native Fluent Bit features without having to write custom containers.
- Parse - comma-delimited list of paths in the log objects that Moonbase should try to parse into JSON. Useful if Fluent Bit is stringifying objects that you want indexed. Example:
. - levelKey - Tells Moonbase which key (potentially nested) in your logs' level. Useful if your level is nested in inside of the object. Example:
note You can use both parse
and levelKey
options together. Moonbase will parse the paths supplied before looking at levelKey
ECS + FireLens
If you're an ECS user and you want to forward logs to Moonbase via FireLens (opens in a new tab), you can use a similar config to below:
"LogConfiguration": {
"LogDriver": "awsfirelens",
"Options": {
"Format": "json",
"Host": "api.moonbasehq.com",
"Match": "*",
"Name": "http",
"Port": "443",
"Retry_Limit": "2",
"URI": "/v1/projects/clvd9713n0001wo0s0142f6wa/logs?parse=log&levelKey=log.level",
"tls": "On",
"tls.verify": "On"
"SecretOptions": [
"Name": "header",
"ValueFrom": {
"Fn::Join": [
"Ref": "AWS::Partition"
It's recommended to store Moonbase Token's in SSM and inject them in as Fluent Bit Headers.